It's summer. Have fun. Be safe and enjoy all the great things of the season. Sun, swim, sail, READ, spend time with your kids while they are out of school, stay home and relax, cook out and invite your friends over. Got it. The possibilities are endless. Speaking of which, with God, the possibilities really are endless because He works in impossibilities. He really does. Our trust in Him is one of, if not THE, most important asset we have. Faith is believing what you cannot see--just like Abraham believed what he could not see, and it happened anyway because he believed. Hebrews 11 is a great read. I am amazed every time I read the Bible. Any kind of story you like is in there. Romance, battles, drama, family drama, natural disasters, history, politics, challenges, solutions, futuristic events, how-to, social justice, friendship...well, you get the picture.